Professor Janeen Baxter
Chief Investigator
The University of Queensland
As an ARC Centre of Excellence, the Life Course Centre coordinates people and resources from across organisations and disciplines towards a common research goal.
The Life Course Centre is administered by the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland (lead node) and has nodes at The University of Western Australia, The University of Melbourne, and The University of Sydney.
Our organisational structure manages the wide-ranging functions of the Centre, which include:
The Centre’s Advisory Committee provides strategic guidance and advocacy for the Centre to ensure its work is grounded in real-world context and has a public voice. It has an independent Chair and includes representation from government and non-government organisations.
The Advisory Committee ensures that the Centre’s research is aligned with its core mission and stakeholder needs and expectations. It has a critical role in keeping the Centre Director informed about current trends and perceived future developments from a range of national and international perspectives. A primary role for the Advisory Committee is oversight of the Life Course Futures vision, a ten-year vision for the development of the life course approach to address deep and persistent disadvantage in Australia. In addition, the Committee will assess the Centre’s success in translating its research, both through knowledge transfer materials and events and into programs of significant practical benefit.
Name | Position | Organisation |
Emeritus Professor Peter Saunders AO (Chair) | Emeritus Professor | University of New South Wales |
Ms Marilyn Chilvers | Executive Director, Strategy, Customer, Delivery and Transformation | NSW Government Department of Customer Service |
Professor Greg Duncan | Distinguished Professor | University of California, Irvine |
Dr Shae Garwood | Manager, Research, Advocacy & Prevention, Innovation & Strategy | Anglicare, WA |
Ms Letitia Hope | Deputy Secretary, Families and Communities | Australian Government Department of Social Services |
Ms Myra Geddes | Social Impact General Manager | Goodstart Early Learning |
Ms Toni Wren | Executive Director | Anti-Poverty Week |
Dr Nicole Bieske | Director, Social Policy and Research Centre | Brotherhood of St Laurence |
Professor Janeen Baxter | Centre Director | Life Course Centre |
Victoria Anderson | Deputy Secretary | The Treasury |
Professor Kerri Wilson | Queensland Chief Scientist | Queensland Government |
Professor Nicholas Biddle | Deputy Director, The Centre for Social Policy Research | Australian National University |
CHAIR | Centre Director
Deputy Director: Research
Node Director: University of Western Australia/The Kids Research Institute Australia
Portfolio Leader: Data for Policy
Node Director: Melbourne
Node Director: The University of Queensland
Node Director: Sydney
Portfolio Leader: Knowledge Transfer
Portfolio Leader: Capacity Building
Portfolio Co-Leader: First Nations Research
Portfolio Co-Leader: First Nations Research
The role of the Executive Committee is to oversee the strategic direction of the Centre, oversee the Centre’s performance against the objectives and agreed on performance targets of the Centre of Excellence scheme, and ensure that the Centre’s resources are allocated effectively to achieve these aims. In addition, the Executive Committee acts as the formal authorising committee for the Centre budget, strategic plan, research projects, project and other partnership agreements, and applications for affiliate status.
The role of the Research Committee is to review the progress of the Centre’s research, and take initiatives to ensure that the Centre’s research is multidisciplinary and cross-nodal, strongly aligned with the Centre’s research programs, and responsive to the needs of partners and opportunities for co-design of new projects with partners. The Research Committee recommends projects for Executive approval and advises the Executive where projects are not progressing. Representatives from the Chief Investigators, Associate Investigators, Partner Investigators and Research Fellows are appointed annually.
CHAIR | Deputy Director
Program Leader: People
Deputy Program Leader: People
Program Leader: Places
Deputy Program Leader: Places
Program Leader: Opportunitites
Deputy Program Leader: Opportunitites
Appointed representative: UQ
Appointed representative: UQ
Appointed representative: UWA-TKI
Appointed representative: UWA-TKI
Chief Operations Officer
*The Program Leaders provide intellectual guidance for the three Research Programs and the Centre’s research as a whole, and each of them is an internationally recognised leader in the area their Program covers.
The Executive Committee can appoint sub-committees to deal with strategic and targeted areas. This can include:
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