Professor Mark Stevenson
Chief Investigator
Program Leader
The University of Melbourne
Building on a background in software engineering and urban climates, Dr. Kerry Nice’s work uses modelling and artificial intelligence to study urban environments. His PhD at Monash University focused on the creation and use of an urban micro-climate model (VTUF-3D) to assess the positive human thermal comfort impacts in urban areas of increased urban vegetation and water sensitive design (WSUD) infrastructure.
Kerry’s research currently focuses on the investigation of urban factors impacting the accessibility of active transport, assessing the impacts of urban vegetation on transport, health, and micro-climates, and using artificial intelligence, especially deep learning using neural networks, to assess the influence of urban characteristics on urban environments and ultimately on the people who live there. Kerry previously worked as a senior and consulting software engineer in Colorado, New York, and London focusing on building enterprise level multi-tiered work flow applications. Kerry maintains membership in the International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC) and the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS).
Research Fellow
Software Engineering
Urban Climates
Urban Planning
Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University
PhD, Monash University
Master of Environment and Sustainability, Monash University
Bachelor of Arts, University of Colorado at Boulder
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