The Life Course Centre is a collaborative enterprise, bringing together expertise from throughout Australia and around the world. The Centre’s powerful partnership networks provide genuine interdisciplinary innovation, which translates into cutting-edge research.
Australian universities
Genuine interdisciplinary innovation demands prolonged systematic engagement between researchers that is only possible through an enterprise such as the Life Course Centre. It enables researchers who are attempting to answer common problems to integrate evidence and achieve high-level outcomes.
The Life Course Centre is administered by The University of Queensland and has nodes at The University of Western Australia, The University of Melbourne and The University of Sydney.
National partners
The Life Course Centre brings together a breadth of expertise from across the country to address the problem of deep and persistent disadvantage. The Centre’s structure provides a strong collective capacity and powerful partnership networks to translate cutting-edge research findings into real change for disadvantaged children and families.
International partners
The Centre also has a wide range of collaborative links to international partners from research institutions in North America, Europe and Asia.