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- Journal Article
The Impact on Service Collaboration of Colocation of Early Childhood Services in Tasmanian Child and Family Centres: An Ethnographic Study
Published: 2021
The most recent data from the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) present good news; 79% of Australia’s Early Childhood Education and Care services are now meeting the National Quality Standard (NQS). Yet one in five services remain below standard. Understanding the context and characteristics of these services, and those of their workforce, and identifying features that distinguish them from services meeting the NQS are the first step in directing quality improvement supports. We compared services rated Working Towards with those Meeting or Exceeding the standard, through analysis of two discrete datasets: (1) ACECQA snapshots providing service data and (2) The Early Years Workforce Study providing data on educators and educator experience. We identified distinguishing structural characteristics and relational factors within services rated Working Towards. Based on the findings, strategic directions for bringing the last 21% of services across the line to meet the National Quality Standard are detailed.
Thorpe, K., Westwood, E., Jansen, E., Menner, R., Houen, S., & Staton, S. (2020). Working Towards the Australian National Quality Standard for ECEC: what do we know? Where should we go?. The Australian Educational Researcher, 1-21.
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Please see https://lifecoursecentre.org.au/publications/working-towards-the-australian-national-quality-standard-for-ecec-what-do-we-know-where-should-we-go/ for the latest version.