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Podcast: Meals matter for brain development

17 July 2024

Life Course Centre Research Fellow Dr Bonnie Searle is passionate about getting children to eat. In her past life as a paediatric dietitian for children with food aversions, she experienced first-hand the power of changing how we feed children. 

She is currently working on a special research project, called Mealtimes Matter, which suggests that there are some serious nutritional deficiencies in some childcare centres, particularly in disadvantaged areas, that is having a detrimental effect on child development. 

In this insightful conversation, Dr Searle discusses:

  • Why nutrition is important for developing brains
  • The quality of nutrition at childcare centres across Queensland
  • Healthy lunchbox tips
  • Tips for fussy eaters

Listen to QBI’s ‘A Grey Matter’ podcast: Meals matter for brain development here.