A two-day workshop dedicated to making the most of Australia’s largest nation-wide survey of young people, the Mission Australia Youth Survey
This workshop will bring together a select mix of key youth-sector industry partners, school representatives, researchers and young people to understand how the Mission Australia Youth Survey inbuilt wellbeing and risk of harm notifications provide a ‘bridge’ to appropriate supports for young people. Now in its 23rd year, results from the Youth Survey help schools, community organisations, governments and policymakers gain an understanding of young people’s values, concerns, challenges and ambitions.
When completing the survey, young people may write down important details about concerns or issues in their lives. As Mission Australia has access to this information, it feels that it has a responsibility to identify and respond to anything that may suggest a young person’s safety or wellbeing is at risk. A well-defined weekly wellbeing and risk of harm process is conducted throughout fieldwork to identify and respond to any risks that are identified. Of the 19,500 Youth Survey participants in 2023, close to 4,500 wellbeing notifications were issued, with 35 specific risk of harm, abuse or neglect notifications sent to schools, the police or the relevant child protection authority.
There is a critical need to understand through collaborative research with industry, schools and young people, what happens after these notifications are raised. Priorities will be identified in the workshop to extend the utility of the process so schools and affected young people can get the right care at the right time.

Prof Janeen Baxter, The University of Queensland
Bronwyn Boon, Mission Australia
Rachel Christie, Mission Australia
Dr Kate Fila, University of Melbourne
Prof Nick Glozier, University of Sydney
Raymond McHale, Mission Australia
Dr Alyssa Milton, University of Sydney
This workshop is delivered in partnership with the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Children and Families Over the Life Course and Mission Australia.

For more information please email us at engagement@lifecoursecentre.org.au