Journal Article

Conflicting Guidelines on Young Children's Screen Time and Use of Digital Technology Create Policy and Practice Dilemmas

Published: 2018


Across the globe, many children live in a digitally enmeshed world. Education and industry authorities encourage the use of digital technology by children to prepare them to thrive in a digital world. Health authorities, in contrast, discourage young children’s use of digital technology and raise concerns about the potential negative effects on children’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. This paper articulates the differing perspectives of education and health authorities that result in a dilemma for those charged with providing for young children’s health, care, education, development, and well-being—that of conflicting advice regarding the use of digital technology in early childhood.


Juliana Zabatiero

Centre Member

Karen Thorpe
Leon StrakerSusan DanbySusan Edwards


Straker, L., Zabatiero, J., Danby, S., Thorpe, K., & Edwards, S. (2018). Conflicting guidelines on young children’s screen time and use of digital technology create policy and practice dilemmas. The Journal of pediatrics, 202, 300-303.