Tianyi Ma

Tianyi received his Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons 1) from The University of Queensland (UQ) in 2021 and was awarded the McElwain Prize for the best psychology honours thesis. His PhD, at the UQ Parenting and Family Support Centre, is investigating the benefits of providing universal parenting support programs in educational settings for children, families, and teachers. He is skilled in complex quantitative analyses, large-scale survey and systematic review methodologies, as well as research project management. Tianyi believes that school provides a destigmatised context to engage with parents, and school has an essential role in promoting the well-being of children at the population level.

Research interests include:

  • Evidence-Based Parenting Programs
  • Parenting Support in Education
  • Primary Prevention
  • Climate Change and Mental Health.


Higher Degree by Research Student


  • Psychology




The effectiveness of low-intensity, school-based parenting programs in promoting home-school communication and collaboration